Kotlin API for the Hetzner DNS Api. Documentation is pending since the API is still developing, for an introduction please see this post Hetzner DNS Api.


To use solidblocks-dns just add the dependency to your Gradle build

// [...]

dependencies {
// [...]

solidblocks-dns uses kotlin.Result to provide success/failure information for the underlying HTTP calls against the Hetzner DNS API.

val api = HetznerDnsApi(System.getenv("HETZNER_DNS_API_TOKEN"))

val createdZone = api.createZone(ZoneRequest("my-new-zone.de")).getOrThrow()
println("created zone with id ${createdZone.zone.id}")

val createdRecord =
    api.createRecord(RecordRequest(createdZone.zone.id, RecordType.A, "www", "")).getOrThrow()
println("created record with id ${createdRecord.record.id}")